Product photography is your company’s golden ticket to promote your brand and sell your products easily. These photos typically go on your company’s website, social media platforms, annual reports, stationery, brochures, and other marketing material. These types of photos need to be of top quality to showcase the best of your business.
From behind the scenes, product shoots, corporate buildings to business lifestyle photography, Zoom Corporate Photography has been serving clients in various industries, showcasing their businesses and products at its best. We have a creative and personalized approach. A phone or video consultation with the client allows our photographers to plan the needs and note the expectations for the shoot. We get to know your company, learn its values, and understand the corporate brand you wish the world to see. No matter what size product you have from the smallest pen to heavy machinery and buildings we shoot it all. Zoom Corporate Photography has successfully pleased hundreds of clients with our attention to detail and caring attitude. Our clients trust us for capturing the best shots, and we never disappoint them.
Zoom Corporate Photography has successfully pleased hundreds of clients with our attention to detail and caring attitude. Our clients trust us for capturing the best shots, and we never disappoint them.
Product photos, be it lifestyle, stylised shots or carefully placed products on a white background, your products must match your brand. We at Zoom Corporate Photography take that very seriously. A picture is worth a thousand sales and this can affect your brand image positively or negatively. There’s a handful of factors that separate an excellent product photo from a bad one. Such as:
A simple, white background will give any ecommerce website a professional and consistent look. It will draw attention to what’s being sold and match any colour. Alternatively, if you are selling on another marketplace such as Google Shopping, Takealot, or if you are sharing your product images on social media, a white background won’t clash with any other website design.
When it comes to product photography, the bigger the better. The image that you upload to your online website acts as the base image. There are various online requirements for platforms such as Shopify, Takealot and ecommerce sites. We at ZooM Corporate Photography take this into account and ensure you receive all your images in the exact sizes that your website team will require.
It’s impossible to take quality photos without getting the lighting right. Our classic 2 system light setup works well in most situations, and we recommend always using lights for any professional product photography..
These are the type of anomalies that influence the quality of the corporate image. If the subject of the shoot is wearing glasses, the glare on the glasses looks unprofessional. We choose the best angle to eliminate the glare and capture the photo in great lighting. Similarly, when shooting group photos, shadows are a common glitch. To avoid that, we space out the subjects or change the angle of the flashes to capture the right snap.
A white background and lights are just the first step to giving your products a clean, consistent look. All our photos undergo an extensive editing process ensuring that your products are the exact colour of the real object giving you peace of mind that what your clients order they will receive without any order returns.
When it comes to online shopping, one of the biggest causes of consumer purchase resistance is the inability to visualize a product. We ensure that we supply multiple photos of your product; so that you appear confident in what you are selling and as a result, the customer will be confident in what they’re buying.
Before the date of the shoot, a team member from Zoom Corporate Photography may conduct a pre-shoot consultation. We like to know how the images will be used, and the style the client is looking to achieve. These sessions could be on the phone or face to face.
These consultations serve as a warm-up session for our team and yours. It also ensures everyone is on the same page. It makes the shoot successful and brings you one step closer to your goal.
Zoom Corporate Photography is always available to answer any questions a client may have.
We let the quality of our work do the talking. In this ever-competitive world, every business is struggling to compete. The only way to stand out from the crowd is to offer something great, something unique that resonates with your audience.
Our clients and customers are our biggest asset. The friendly and experienced staff at ZooM Corporate Photography leaves no stone unturned to deliver the best services. Our team of photographers has continued to prove themselves over the years. High-quality photos are what you will get.
We prefer working closely with our clients to make sure expectations are met.
Do you have an upcoming corporate event? Are you looking for new employee headshots or want to showcase a new product? Contact us now, to schedule a consultation.
We can make most people look good, but we also have a knack with other critical elements of your business. If it’s important for you to do business, then it’s important for us to photograph, so let us capture your fleet, staff, call centre, signage, factories, shops, or IT componentry, for use in your reporting or marketing literature.
Retain the corporate look and feel that your customers and stakeholders expect, but let ZooM add its personal shot of creativity that will give your document individuality and style.
If your stakeholders require something a little more sophisticated than a brochure, we can translate your corporate statement onto video. From initial storyboards and scriptwriting, shooting, editing, through to final production, we’ll create the perfect company representation that can be instantly downloaded worldwide.