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Enhance your event with these exciting products and services!

Green screen photo booths, instagram stations and customised wine bottles are some of the exciting products and services from Zoom Event Photography. And, if any of these don’t tickle your fancy and you have another crazy, wacky, new idea, please chat to us, there is a 99% chance we can make it happen at your event. Please scroll down and see what does it for you…


While we are taking amazing photos of your guests having the time of their lives, let them see the proof of the pudding on the big screen during your event.


A photo in the hand is worth a few on the disk. Let us give each guest their photograph to take home in an event themed template. Whether it is a funky green screen, four ball or formal gala dinner portrait, make sure your event photos are pinned to their cork boards above their desks.


Jump into your photo teleporter and let your imagination take you anywhere in the universe. Give your guests a photograph of themselves in a police van, on the Game of Thrones movie set or shaking hands with Barak Obama. With millions of backgrounds to choose from they will never come back down to earth…


Be it a Board of Directors, Rash of Dermatologists, Staff of Employees, Party of Friends or Flock of Tourists, they will all L O V E a memento group photograph reminding them how well their awesome party, conference or meeting went down.


This is your chance to impress your boss or next client by showing them how well you can execute an event. Let us video your CV from beginning to end so that both of us can get the next job.


Want to make your guests feel like Tom Cruise or Charlize Theron? Let us provide you with a gang of paparazzi on the red carpet with flashes ready to make them famous.


Framing (visual arts), a technique used to bring the focus to the subject Framing (zoom event photography), a specialized service by a leading event photography company to enhance the AWESOME photos they took at your event. Commonly found in Pewter, timber, plastic and cardboard in a wide variety of colours and designs.


We can take any photograph of your guest and add it to almost any product including wine bottles, product packaging, diaries, notebooks etc. These bespoke products are mostly available on the same day and are designed to impress. Please call us to chat about your ideas.


If you were the “TIMES” person of the year and on the front cover, you would definitely show all your mates. Make your guests famous at your event by putting each one of them on their own customised real magazine and be guaranteed to see your branding all over social media.

Struggling to Get Great Images At your event?

Let us write a professional brief  to ensure you get the best results,  for FREE!